As Yusho pushes Yuri into a corner, Yuya regain his senses thanks to Yusho's Dueltainment Spectacular. Just when it seems it will be Yusho's victory, Yuri turns the table in his favor by revealing that his trump card is not Super Polymerization that Yusho had thought. Yuri's true trump card is Ultra Polymerization that allows him to summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Yugo's Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. The summoning of the two dragons caused Zarc inside Yuya and Yuto to react again. Using the dragons' special abilities in conjunction with a vicious double spell card combo, Yuri reduces Yusho's life points to zero and seals Yusho in a card. Completely shocked at his father's defeat, Yuya gives in to his anger and confronts Yuri.